This story begins with nothing.
Because in the beginning, there was exceptionally little to write about except for lengthy descriptions of the extreme nothingness that didn't exist. This nothingness both existed, and didn't exist, simultaneously everywhere and nowhere, because nothing existed. Basically, this time didn't exist. I'm writing about nothing.
It has generally been accepted that before everything existed, there was nothing, and even if there was something, there was no one around to record it, so as far as anyone cares, there was nothing.
It was a great place (or lack thereof). There were no queues for anything because there were no people. No traffic jams because there was nowhere to go. No laws against anything because of the lack of anything for there to be laws against.
Time, being the only thing that stops everything from happening at once, didn't exist, so everything happened at once. However, since there wasn't anything that could happen, nothing happened.
God wished he could have been there during this time, as he enjoyed doing nothing every chance he got. It was such a refreshing change from actually doing something. But then, if he had been there, there wouldn't have been anywhere for him to be, so he wouldn't have existed. Which he didn't. Nothing did. There was nothing.
However, it is impossible to refer to the time when there was nothing in the past tense, because there was no time. For something to have happened, it has to exist in time. Therefore, this time of nothingness didn't exist. Never happened. Nothing.
Then, apparently, things existed, and the nothingness was gone. Where the nothingness went is anyone's guess, but suddenly things took nothing's place.
Then a load of stuff happened to do with things, and the world was filled with the monotony that was existence. The life forms that existed in this existence developed a tendency to kill each-other and destroy whatever they could, in an apparent effort to return to a time of nothingness.
In time (which now existed), their wish was granted and nothing returned, much to everyone's (no one's) satisfaction. And so, as time once again ceased to exist, everything (and nothing) that had happened in the past also ceased to exist, and it officially never happened.
There was nothing.
Artist's impression of 'Nothing'.